Planting Spruce:
Planting Spirit
and Hope
A Networking Collaborative Works
Sharing, what comes in our mind about sharing? Have we understood and been able to do it? I think no one is able to describe completely about sharing. On Sunday morning (06/12/2015) though the dark cloud hung over Yogyakarta, we rode our motorcycle to Samas beach to fulfill the invitation of our network, ‘Reispirasi.’ We joined an activity of coastal conservation by planting trees or coast spruce (Casuarina equisetifolia) .
About five minutes to 10, we (Loce, John, Stenly and Frans) arrived at Samas beach. Deny and friends welcame us friendly. We talked for a while about the planting process and then took position. Loce and Yohanes took bamboo sticks and plugged them in sand, as marks to dig holes. Stenly and Frans dug holes and put small plants one by one in it, while Deny and his friends were transporting the small plants and compost fertilizer from the warehouse to the conservation area.
According to Deny, the goal of planting coast spruce was a conservation step to avoid and reduce coastal erosion at Samas. As we already knew that in August 2013, a massive abrasion happened in Samas and brought damage to people living in the coast area. Consequently, some houses were badly damaged and even some houses were collapsed.
This coast spruce planting is expected to minimize abrasion and create barrier against salt-contained sea breeze. The tree bushes or ‘barrier' is also used for turtle conservation in order to avoid disorientation of the sustainability of turtles lives which is conserved here.
Less than five hours and a half, we completed to plant 220 trees with only done by seven participants. One small thing we done that day was expected to give good impact and to grow awareness among society around Samas to get involved in planting coast spruce for their benefits.
This action of planting coast spruce is our manifestation of sharing. What have you shared today? (SAP)