Assistance of Social Study for SMPK Tirta Marta students – BPK Penabur Pondok Indah
“Being a friend for other fellows”
City life has its own dynamic which is different from village life. However both of them have relevance and influence each other. People’s social life is also different, but the differences don’t mean no communication barrier among them because communication is necessary to bear sense of care. This is the basic thinking of social study activity for students in IX grade of SMPK Tirta Marta – BPK Penabur Jakarta, as what the headmistress, Christina Ratnaningsih, S.Pd says, “Through this event, the students will learn about togetherness, independence, responsibility, and care for others”.
This social study in cooparation with Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta was held on 15th-17th of October 2012 in Yogyakarta through a theme of “Being a friend for other fellows”. This social study was held in two events, that is, TurBa and Live-In in the village.
TurBa, shortening of Turun ke Bawah, means turn down into a reality. This is an activity to visit a place and to have interaction with the people in it. Visiting and having interaction will touch students with new experiences of having care, independence, and strong willingness. There are 8 locations of TurBa covering :
(1) Home for the elderly “Hanna”,
(2) Private Enterprise of Decoration Candle “Pensil
(3) “Sanggar Anak Alam” (SALAM) alternative school,
(4) “Sayap Ibu” Foundation,
(5) Drug Rehabilitation Clinic “Pamardi Putra”,
(6) “Nurul Ummahat” moslem pesantren,
(7) Waste Final Dumping Location at Piyungan, and
(8) Bobung, kampong of Wood Mask Industry.
While, Live In activity gives a chance to the students staying at home and having some activities with the people of Girisekar village, Panggang, Gunung Kidul. Live In session, gives the students experiences of living in villages. They experience walking for taking some clean water, looking for fire-wood in the forest, cultivating on the rocky field, greeting everybody they meet although they are strangers, etc.
The teachers, students, and Stube team got many experiences from the people in TurBa and any activities in the village, either funny or heartwarming ones. One thing they could find in this event is, the sense of friendship will come out when someone humble, willing to listen to others and having fair interaction with the neighbors.
Finally, as the closing statement of this activity, Stube HEMAT asks all of you, “Let’s grow, be more mature, and bear fruit!”