By: Yonatan Pristiaji Nugroho.
Water become the most important part of all living things. Water cannot be separated from life for any reason. The survival of living things is very dependent on the presence of water, without water the living things will extinct. Water for humans provides fluids in the body and prevents dehydration. Not only for consumption, but water is also used for daily life, such as cooking, washing, cleaning vehicles, and bathing. However, the water existence needs to be maintained in quantity and quality, access to water, and distribution for all.
The 'concern' to the existence of water needs to be maintained, Stube HEMAT in the Water Security program brings students into reality related to water problems, so that they understand and are aware, even apply in practice how to use water wisely. As a first step, Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta facilitated students to join exposure or study visit to Muntilan, Central Java to meet Father V. Kirjito and study about harvesting the Blessing of Rainwater (Saturday, 16/10/2021). Even though the students came from various study programs, such as Sociology, Engineering, Informatics, Economics, and Theology, Government Science, and Communication, they showed enthusiasm to find out how to process the blessings of rainwater.
Father V. Kirjito is known as a religious leader who has concern for water. Starting from his experience of serving the church in Bunder village, Klaten, Central Java, the village on the slopes of Mount Merapi was hit by water shortages but the rainwater had not been utilized at all. From his reflection came enlightenment to use the 'free' rainwater. Logically, rainwater that is stored directly will be cleaner than groundwater, because groundwater has been mixed with various elements in the soil, including soil pollutants. It is recognized that it is not easy to change the paradigm, but with an approach to the community and research, the habit of harvesting rainwater has finally spread. He explained the stages of harvesting rainwater by collecting the rainwater into a reservoir and depositing it. Furthermore, the water is transferred to the electrolysis installation, where the water is put into a connected container which is separated by a filter with an anode (+) in one container and a cathode (-) in the other container, then connected to a jumper according to the DC. The electrolysis process kills bacteria and there is a process of increasing pH (acidity) levels and decreasing TDS (solid content).
The students tested the pH and TDS of the drinking water they brought using a TDS meter and pH meter and then compared it with electrolyzed rainwater. Based on the Health Minister Regulation (Permenkes) 492/Menkes/Per/IV/2010 the maximum standard of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) is 500 mg/l, and the standard pH of drinking water is 6.5 – 8.5 mg/l. They found TDS numbers in several samples, ranging from 72, 98, 117, 300, and 148. The higher the TDS, the higher the total dissolved solids is, and vice versa for safe drinking. In terms of pH, if the number is in the range of 6.5 – 8.5, it means it is safe for consumption. The participants had the opportunity to 'taste' the processed rainwater and tell about the difference 'taste' compared to the water for daily consumption.
The main point of the discussion is that students are aware of water problems, from water scarcity, difficulty to get water and the uneven distribution of water services, so that the use of rainwater for drinking water is an alternative. The rain that falls is no longer considered a nuisance and a barrier to activities, but a blessing to be independent in drinking water needs. So, are you still hesitant to drink rainwater?