Outreaching Village Awakening Hope

Saturday, 16 December 2017
by adminstube

Where did the young students in Waingapu during their semester break? Usually they spend holidays in their village. They stay in Waingapu and Lewa to continue their study after having graduated from high school because there are several collegesthere. Those studying in college certainly have additional knowledge that can be shared to others. Stube-HEMAT Sumba through 'ViMi'-Village & Me program gives students opportunities to do something for their villages spread out across Sumba island during their vacation. They may design useful activities for their village.
In fact, it is not easy for them to return to their villagesbecause of distance, difficulty to reach and sometimes the place is much isolated, up and down hillcrossing rivers, andpassing through rocky roads in order to share their knowledge with people in their village. Who are they?
Ekivianus Bulu,
A student at Theology College ‘Terpadu’ (STT), Waingapu from Tanarigu, West Sumba. In this program Ekivianus accompanied children and youth of churches in his village through Sunday school, Bible study and other activities for faith building. This mentoring program was conducted at Christian Church of Sumba and Bethel Church. This gave new enlightenment and understanding for both who have different denomination to engage together.
He revealed that the local church officials were driven to reactivate Sunday school and youth activities because they had been neglected them. The local community also agreed to pay attention more for children and youth and hoped that such positive activities could be continued to improve human resources in this village.



Naomi Mora Kalak, based on her study on Christian Religious Education at Theology College ‘Terpadu’ (STT)Waingapu, Naomiheld mentoring and reinforcement to youth in Lairandang, a branch of GKS Kakaha, Ngadu Ngala, south east of East Sumba district.
She was so surprised and amazed by the reception and appreciation of the local people who seemed so enthusiastic and motivated, because rarely students who were on vacation doing various useful activities and involving them, such as teaching Sunday School children, youth church support and home bible study. They hoped that activity duration can be extended so that children and young people in the church can learn many things and this program would be regularly held.
Sepritus Tangaru Mahamu, a young man from Laihobu village, Kananggar, East Sumba who study at PDD Animal Husbandry academy, East Sumba. His village is located in a remote area so he has to pass steep roads to get there. Sep, his familiar name, returned to his hometown to motivate students at Laihobu Elementary School. Although in remote areas, they should not be isolated but try hard to continue their study to Waingapu.
This school has 128 students from grade 1-6, but it has only four teachers so that one teacher teaches two classes at the same time with limited teaching facilities. He brought books and stationery to inspire students to learn. Sep with local people also held local potency mapping of the village and found potential crops such as coffee, betel and betel nut.
Yupiter Tanga Tawul, he is known as a student activist at Wirawacana Christian University of Sumba, coming from Tanarara village, Lewa, East Sumba. Yupiter has skills to make nutrients and vitamins for livestock so Stube-HEMAT Sumba encouraged him to provide training for people in his village to make vitamin supplements for cattle, pigs, buffaloes, goats and chickens. The ingredients of vitamin supplementation are made from banana buds and sugar water.
Even though his training took only in short period, they enthusiastically learned to mix these ingredients into nutrients and vitamins for livestock. Currently they have been able to make their own and even the local village government will hold similar assistance with him.
Onira Tenggu Nalu, a student at Theology college of GKS from Umamanu village, Lewa Tidas, East Sumba became a participant of ViMi program to facilitate children in Sunday school and youth Bible study at Maringu kotak, a branch of GKS Umamanu.
Through mentoring and faith building on Sunday school and church youth, she hoped to be able to motivate them to grow spiritually and actively in church activities. Dealing with book distribution for children, she wanted to foster interest in reading and knowledge among children in her village. The local people enthusiastically supported Onira's activities and gave her opportunity to develop activities according to her creativity and hoped the activities can be sustainable.
Nia Epa Hoy, a student activist at Wirawacana Christian University of Sumba, is eager to join ViMi-Village & Me program. Personally Nia has skills to make organic liquid and solid fertilizers and organic pesticides. Both skills pushed her back to her hometown of Pepuwatu village, Nggaha Ori Angu subdistrict to provide training of making organic fertilizers and pesticides to local people.
The people of Pepuwatu enthusiastically followed each step of making organic fertilizers and pesticides facilitated by her. Now they have additional skills of making organic fertilizers and pesticides. Personally Nia was pleased to be able to share her skills and they responded well.
Blessed is the one who comes with the good news. Every person's knowledge and experience will be valuable when it isshared and able to improve the life of village community. Stube-HEMAT Sumba opens opportunity for students to return to their village through ViMi-Village & Me program. So, start to think from now what will be shared for the people in your village. (TRU).

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Not Just Theory, but Action!

Monday, 4 December 2017
by adminstube
The words above are appropriately pinned to Marthen Rangga Mbani, a young man from Wudi Pandak, Tabundung district, East Sumba. Equipped by knowledge and experience of learning about chickens in Yogyakarta, he has raised chickens in his house. Not only that, he also cultivates his house yards to plant crops.

Initially, in July 2016 he and two students from Stube HEMAT Sumba got opportunity to study in Yogyakarta as participants of Exposure to Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta because he had actively participated in Stube-HEMAT Sumba trainings. He chose chicken poultry as his learning focus in Yogyakarta because he breeds chicken in his house, Mboka, Kanatang, East Sumba. He hoped that the knowledge and skills got in Yogyakarta could help him to manage chickens at home, so he can sell with a better price and the profit will be used to pay his school fees at STT Terpadu, Waingapu.

In Yogyakarta, beside studying about Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta and how to breedchicken, Marthen also learned integrated agriculture in Joglo Tani at SlemanRegency under the guidance of TO Suprapto, an experienced agricultural practitioner. He practiced management of integrated agriculture, the role of livestock in agriculture and assembling safe and healthy chicken coops.

His learning process was continued to Temon, Kulonprogo to learn how toraise chicken with Gendut Minartoa chicken breederhaving wide networks. He learned some steps of raising chicken that starts from preparing cages, feeds, vaccines and hen coop heater, sterilizing the cages, vaccinating chicks and feeding chickens, classifying chickensready for sale based on size and weight.

Upon his return to Sumba, he started raising chickens in his village in Tabundung, butit failed because all chickens died of sickness and season change. He did not give up. He moved his hen coops to Mboka, Kanatang, where he lived temporarily for college. One year after his efforts of raising chickens, he managed to maintain the chicken and sell 10-12 chicken per month.

Currently Marthen is preparing an incubation coop to reduce the risk ofchicks death. He has 4 hens, three of them will lay eggs and one hen is laying eggs. Meanwhile, there are twelve chickens ready to sell at 50.000 rupiahs each.

Besides doing chickens, along with rainy season in Sumba, Marthen cultivates his house yards in Mboka. This area is known as hilly, arid and rocky area. People say that it is impossible to grow corn, sweet potatoes, peanuts and other crops, but Marthen has faith that when soil is cultivated, it will yield. He cultivatethe soil and adds organic manure made from animal dung, such as, pigs, chickens, goats and compost from twigs and leaves. He avoids chemical ones because it will damagthe soil. He believes that a good effort will be blessed by Godbecause there is a willingness to do. Come on, not be just NATO (No Action Talk Only).

"I thanked to Stube-HEMAT who has given me training on raising chickens, so I have income from it, although it just a little butI can help my parents. I will continue this chicken business although I have limitationbecause I have to share time to study in campus. I try as well as I can, thank you Stube," he said.
That’s right, young people, knowledge settledin the head will not be useful for others. Marthen has started with raising chicken and his experience is improving by utilizing his house yards for planting crops. Keep the spirit and be a blessing. (TRU).


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Livestock as Potential Business a training on livestock by Stube-HEMAT Sumba

Monday, 6 November 2017
by adminstube
Livestock has an important role in Sumba society. Besides asdomestic animals and meat supply, livestock also has social function as family pride, customs and savings that are easy to sell when people need money.
As the time goes, there are major challenges faced by this island, such as decreasing soil fertility and decreasing the availability of adequate feed for livestock during dry season.It is the impact of careless field burning habit. The consequence is cattle having potential value such as horses, cows, buffalo, and goats are grazing difficulty during dry season and it is one reason of cattle population decrease in Sumba.
Based on the above reality, Stube-HEMAT Sumba held livestock training for students and church youth located at Kanatang sub-district office, on Friday-Sunday, November 3-5, 2017 with a themeLivestock as potential business. There were thirty seven students coming from various campuses in Waingapu and Lewa, such as STT GKS, STT Terpadu, Ukriswina, Akademi Komunitas Negeri (AKN).

Stube-HEMAT Sumba presented experienced facilitators in their field of animal husbandry, such as Drh. Oktavianus Kale Rohi from Animal Health Service of East Sumba regency, whodiscussed development of livestock population in East Sumba and government’s role in overcoming disease on livestock by knowing main diseases affecting livestock in East Sumba, such as Anthrax, Surra and intestinal worms.
Next, Reni Ratni Ndapawole S.Pt., M.Si., a lecturer at Wirawacana Christian University of Sumba, explained development and management of animal feed in overcoming food crisis during dry season. Feed quality is determined by nutritional value of the fodder. There are two types of fodder that can be used during dry season, namely grasses and legiminosa (beans).
Meanwhile, I Made Adi Sudarma S.Pt., M.Si., a lecturer at Wirawacana Christian University of Sumba, explained Livestock Business Analysis. This topic is useful for students when they are going to start their business. In addition, this materials also help them to improve income efficiency and means of evaluating their livestock business.
A livestock practitioner equipped the training process, Umbu Maramba Mbahi S.Pt., a breeder living in Praiwora, Waingapu, East Sumba shared openly his experiences in livestock business and its benefits. He reared pigs and ducks. From pigs he got pork meat and pig waste for biogas. Not only that, liquidwaste and solid biogas  were used as fertilizer, while duck waste for catfish feed.
One participant from Unkriswina, named Mersy asked"The government plays role in increasing livestock production, for example through IB (artificial insemination) in cattle. The question is whether there are side effects toward the cattle?"The facilitator explained that there may be a risk, howeverthe government has minimized it and all regulations are managed by health management combined by technology.
At the end of the training, the participants discussed theirfollow-up plans (RTL). One of them was a study visit to one of the facilitators, namely Umbu Maramba Mbahi in Praiwora to explore the techniques of managing livestock pens, feed and prevention of disease in livestock.

There is a big hope that the participants begin to make short, medium and long term plan personally and do a project step by step until it is realized. It is time to create jobs for yourselfeven for others, and to be a blessing for others. (Meliani Retang).

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Youth is a friend for the nature

Monday, 2 October 2017
by adminstube


Nature is the only place for the living creature to live. In the beginning, nature is a good place for human to live as itprovides everything to cultivate and even it nurture the sustainability of human’s life. However, nowadays nature is getting damaged, human who is supposed to keep and nurture it,even exploit it greedily without caring of its sustainabilityfor the future. As the result, the condition of land, air, clean water deteriorates and the living creatures are threatened.
There are many changes of natural conditions in Sumba, such as grasshopper raid in East Sumba few months ago, failure of food crops because of mice, reduction of water springs and savannafire during dry season. It causes damage to food crops andbrings a risk to food security, disruption of food chains and drought. People who live depend on the nature must work harder to fullfil their needs.
Based on the reality, Stube-HEMAT Sumba as an institution mentoring for young people and Christian students in Sumba held a training on Christian Character and Nature Conservation with a theme Befriend for the nature. This theme encouraged Christian students in Sumba to learn Christian character and the problems faced by Sumba community, especially environment conservation. There were 30 students from Wira Wacana University, STT Terpadu and STT GKS participated the training held in the Training Centre for Agriculture and Village Autonomy (P4S), Bina Karya Swadaya in Lewa, East Sumba on Friday to Sunday, Sep 29-Oct 1, 2017.
The first speaker, Rev. Naftali Djoru. S.Th. M, Si,the former chairman of GKS synod shared his church experience that should careof environment and church should take part in environmental conservation. The biblical review of Genesis 2:15, The Lord God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and preserve the garden. This affirmed humans to nurture and care for nature as a form of Christian character, especially in Sumba.
Next, Ir. Ida Bagus Putu Punia, M.Si, head of Environmental Agency in East Sumba regency, described environmental problems in Sumba and the conservationeffort. He illustrated that this nature was damaged by exploitation of humans anddestructors who did not restore what has been taken from the nature.


I Gusti Made Raspita, a community leader and thefounder of Yayasan Sumba Sejahtera (YSS), usually called 'a farmer with a tie' because his success in fostering awareness amongSumbanese on environmental concern. He said that many people was smart in theory but did not do what they said. In addition, life needbalance by giving attention to sustainable conditon of ecology, social, and economy. Thus, it needs continuous effort to love the conserved environment.
Participants presentation on exposure to Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, Marinus Mardi Ishak, Desriani Kahi Mila Meha and Erik Bidikonda Hawula completed this training process by sharingnew knowledge about sand farming, pigs breeding and utilization of used products to the participants. Yohanis Bulu, a student of STT GKS said, "I am very  grateful to joinStube especially by following this activity, because not allinformation I can get in campus. Stube invited me to see the phenomenon, shared and received knowledge with friends from other campus"


It is time for Christian Sumbanese youth to start paying attention to nature and environment of Sumba. Small actions, such as planting tree and caring for plants can be the beginning to conserve nature. (Meliani Retang).

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Three lighters for Sumba (participants’ reflection of Exposure Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta)

Sunday, 17 September 2017
by adminstube
Appreciate Time
(Desri Kahi Mila Meha, STT Terpadu Waingapu)

Time is very important for everyone to do activity and work, and it is used as benchmark for some people to start their activities. But sometimes people ignore the preciousness of time, just take it paltry and still doing habit of ‘rubber-clock’ (delaying time).
This habit is still practiced by many people in East Sumba, even in my community, unluckily it is inherent in me. My bad habit of delaying time wastes lots of things though it should be done. Another result of not managing time is causing many unfinished works.
I was so inspired by activities I joined during my time in Yogyakarta that is  discipline with time and  every activity is managed by time and also limited by time. Through this opportunity I learned to adjust myself and it is  necessary for me to do it because discipline is a very basic  thing to appreciate time.
I had to change my former habit by adopting new habit to appreciate and manage time well. If everything is set by time, I will be able to make it on time and I have time to do other things. I hope when I apply this good thing in my community, there will be positive effects done by people around me. The important thing is I have to start from myself first to be a role model for others.  I do start to respect time!!!

The power of different Iris
(Erik Bidikonda Hawula, Unkriswina, Waingapu)

In life we realize that everything that exists on earth is inseparable from the color or characteristic that distinguish us, both biologically to thinking in our heads, whether the visible and invisible differences. The difference we have is certainly not our request but destiny that we cannot avoid.
The differences that exist around us often trigger disputes or conflicts for others that if not be handled carefully will get worse and even lead to bloodshed. Of course, it is not impossible to unite differences.
Why I was born from a certain ethnic, a certain race having culture that shape me with different thoughts and perspectives, should not be a humanitarian issue. Different thoughts and perspectives can be used to feel and watch the phenomenon or nature and objects around us. Sometimes we do not think that someone who has different thoughts and views can take benefits from useless things became economically valueable, such as craftsmen of recycle and rubbish such as glass wastes into beautiful mosaic, coconut shells with export quality products or even arid sand land into fertile agricultural land. The eyes iris as power to observe, and makea change that will not be possible to happen when we fail to see differences.
Indonesia unites us among 1.300 ethnics, 1.158 local languages and various religions and local beliefs. this diversity of course can trigger conflict if we are unable to see the power of diversity. How do we see the power? Sure, with differenteyes iris.
The process of Exposure to Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta taught mehow to see everything that looks ordinary have dear value byaccepting and optimizing diversity.
The photo below showed when I attended a training on peace studies at Ngesti Laras inn, Kaliurang.

Peacemaker in conflict
(Marinus Mardi Ishak, STT GKS Lewa)

Many conflict cases became public consumption in Indonesia lately. Actually, this situation triggered and stimulated critical and analytical power from all people, especiallythe young. They do not just sit and see, butalso take part in constructive thought and action. When joining activities in Exposure Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, I reflected that each of us should be a peacemaker.
The conflicts in this country are not only related to humanitarian-religious issue but also humanitarian-ecological issue. Topics that I have learned in Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta were model of reality conflict in life, including 1. Interfaith Dialogue, 2. Farming on sand banks, 3. Livestock Management, 4. Peace Studies: Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution, and 5. Waste Recycling. All these activities were part of conflict resolutions offered to each of us to act as peacemaker.
Obviously, we see the reality, but unconsciously we are in the middle of conflict. The question is, what we should do? Inevitably this is the responsibility of every one to manage and provide resolution of conflict. Of course we are not the trigger of the conflicts, but we got the effects of them. That is the reason why we have to act, as the idiom ‘If not us, whowill be, and if not now, when will be’. This idiom motivatesme to be a good mediator in analyzing and mediating conflicts.

Peacemaker is not only thinking and analyzing but also actingsynergically with interfaith, ethnic and race network from Sabang to Merauke and  not be interfered by personal conflict. This responsibility should start from myself. I was so grateful for the opportunity to attend many activities in Exposure Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, as well as to know Stube team and friends in Yogyakarta. The experience and knowledge I gained will be shared to my friends in Stube-HEMAT Sumba.Thank you for the network linked with friends in Stube Germany.

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Thinking of Village   and Promoting Sumba

Monday, 4 September 2017
by adminstube
Practicing to make nutritious feed for livestock
with people in Tanarara
(Participant’s Activity of Village and Me Program)
Tanarara is one of the villages in Lewa District of East-Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, who has an area of ??35.50 km2. Lewa district is located on 60 km away to the west of Waingapu which is known as a rice granary in East Sumba because of the biggest rice production compared to other districts in East Sumba. Most of the villagers of Tanarara are farmers and ranchers. The agricultural products are rice, corn and some cassava and sweet potatoes. While the cattle that often found in this village are cows, pigs, buffalo, goats and chickens. Agricultural and livestock products become an economic commodity of the households in Tanarara village, so it needs good management in order to achieve good results. This is which encouraged Yupiter Tanga Tawul, an indigenous youth of Tanarara village, who was studying Economic Development Studies in Wira Wacana Christian University to follow "Village & Me".
"Village & Me" is a support program for students to conduct useful activities for village communities where the participants come from. Besides being active at campus, Yupiter also participated in several trainings held by Stube-HEMAT Sumba, one of the trainings was Local Food Diversity in GKS Kawangu. Yupiter was interested in this program and proposed activities for farmers in the form of assisting how to make nutritious supplement for cattle, pigs, buffalo, goats and chickens. The ingredients of vitamin supplementation are made from banana flower and sugar water. Banana flower is smoothly cut up and pounded, and then it is added with sugar water. This mixture is inserted in a bucket and then covered by plastic till it is airtight and left overnight to go under fermentation. Then the mixture is filtered as fermented water and then it is used as an additional vitamin nutrient.

Yupiter was pleased that there was no difficulty in implementing the program taking place on 8-9 July, 2017. The villagers were enthusiastic to follow this training as it was easier for them to learn how to make their own livestock nutrition. The villagers of Tanarara were grateful and they appreciated Stube-HEMAT Sumba team that giving such program service to Tanarara villagers.
Yupiter conveyed, "This program is very important for students in Sumba, because the program encourages students to share their knowledge and experience that they got from campus, churches, organizations and social communities. Willingness to sharing and receiving should happen continuously. Young people in Sumba should think about their village and apply their knowledge that they have learned".
Young people today must have a fighting spirit, sense of solidarity through sharing skills, and knowledge for the advancement of villager’s life as the foundation of this nation. (Meliani Retang).

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The Children of Future for Umamanu Village Participant of ViMi (Village & Me)

Thursday, 31 August 2017
by adminstube
There is a familiar song to our ears, Desaku (my village). This song brings the audience to imagine a life in a peaceful village where there is family togetherness and always become anostalgia. Based on the song, village should be a good place, well-developed and comfortable to live. But in reality, villages are still facing various limitations, such as road access, technology and information. This has an impact on the imbalance of village development and the unevenness of people’s welfare. Whereas village is very important for the existence of a country because the village’s welfare influences the stability of the country.
Talking about village, it is the lowest administrative unit of government with the autonomy according to its local origin. Based on data from Central Bureau of Statistics in 2016, the number of villages is 82.030 villages. It is a large amount of villages, so they should get more attention in order to develop themselves and able to support the availability of urban needs. Ideally village and city are partners, but many cities grow faster because they are supported by facilities, such as education, economics, technology and information. As a result many residents tend to move to city and villages are getting more left behind.
Such situation also occurs in Sumba, young people tends to leave their village to find better life by being a worker outside the island and even abroad. Lack of sense of belonging, willingness to build village and the ability to see the potencies of the village contribute the rush of people to abandon their villages. Stube-HEMAT Sumba responded to this situation by designing 'Village and Me program' (I and my village). A program that gives students opportunity to do something for their village during the holiday.
One of the participants of the program isOnira Tenggu Nalu, who studies Theology in STT GKS Lewa. She has joined severaltrainings of Stube-HEMAT Sumba, such as livestock, alternative energy and education. Her interest to apply as participant of ViMi program is her passion to share what she has learned in campus. She wants to share with her village community about spiritual topics, related with her studies, practice of ministry in church as her ministry in the future. Onira's activity in July took place in her village of Umamanu, sub district of Lewa Tidas and it was concentrated in Kotak Maringu, a branch of GKS Umamanu. Her activities included Sunday school bible study, outdoor worship, drama and dancing, reading and distributing books for children.

Related with the mentoring and faith empowerment for Sunday school children and church youth, she motivated herself to be able in mobilizing them to grow spiritually and actively involved in local church activities. The distribution of books for children in her village was expected to foster their interest to read and learn new knowledge.

Onira joyfully did her ViMi activity with children in her village. She was so grateful to find their enthusiasm, for example, arriving early before the activity started. In addition, the local residents hoped that she will continue such activities, so the children learn new lessons and join positive activities.

From this activity Onira found impression on her heart and learned many things, such as children with various characters,they dare to express opinion, they learned honesty and themeaning of patience. She hoped, everyone should do thisprogram not because of facilitation from Stube-HEMAT Sumba, but she encouraged young people of Sumba to re-observe what village needs, willingnes to build and serve by themselves.(Meliani Retang).


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Take A Chance of Business  with Skills 

Monday, 19 June 2017
by adminstube
Courage, spirit and creativity are characteristics of young people who tend to love challenges, seek new things and pursue various knowledge and experiences. Especially, creative business is driven by the government to bthe motor of economic and development of the nation. Creative businesses are developed by utilizing knowledge, information and creativity which include advertising, architecture, art, crafts, design, fashion, film, music, artistic performances, publishing, research and development, software, toys, television and radio and also video games. Besides the quality of human resource, creativity become the key of business development.
Young people and creativity are the interesting parts that Stube-HEMAT Sumba, an institution for mentoring students and church youth in Sumba, takes a concern. Young people are encouraged to see Sumba holistically, both potencies and challenges. For this reason, Stube responded an offer to participate a student bazaar hosted by Economic Development study program of Wirawacana Christian University. The bazaar with a title ‘Bazar Kewirausahaan’ was part of Entrepreneurship Course managed by Anastasia Diana Tumimomor, SE, M.Si, the Head of Economic Development study program, and it should be followed by the students. The bazaar was held for five days from 12 – 16 June 2017 at campus of Unkriswina Sumba in Waingapu.
Stube-HEMAT Sumba as one of the bazaar participants quickly contacted Stube's activists who have skills and creative products. They were encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity by displaying and selling their products. They were Onira Tenggu Nalu, Betriks Lay and Yustiwati Angu Bima and offered their works, include hand bags from palm leaves, bags from Sumba cloth, bracelets from Sumba cloth, horned necklaces, rings from kea, muti necklace, muti hand, sumba shoes, hand bags and some other products.



During the bazaar, Stube team arranged the schedule for the activists to keep the booth for five days so it can run well and buyers may come every day. Beside they came and bought products, thevisitors, mostly students, found creative ideas that bring profits.



Anastasia Diana Tumimomor, SE, M. Si, said, "This activity will inspire young people to know every business opportunitythat brings profit. In addition, the participation of Stube-HEMAT Sumba will open students’ horizon of thinking to start up a business, not in a big business but by optimizing their skills. I thanked to Stube-HEMAT Sumba for the involvement in this activity and hope for another cooperation in the future, so the relationship between Stube-HEMAT Sumba and Wirawacana Christian University will be continuously established."
Betriks Lay, one of the participants said, "This activity is very valuable because this is my first step to promote the products of Stube activists. I thanked to Stube-HEMAT Sumba that has trained me to utilize skillsand become a blessing for me and people of Sumba."
This activity will inspire young people, especially students to see business opportunities. They were also expected not only working as government workers or job seekers, but to create and provide job for others, especially to welcome Sumbathat has been promoted as thealternative tourism destination besides Bali. Well guys, are you ready to takebusiness opportunities with your skills? (JUF).

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Dare to Design Business Since Young Participants’ presentation as follow-up of entrepreneurship program

Monday, 29 May 2017
by adminstube
Stube-HEMAT Sumba is a student-mentoring program that expect participants who take part in the training  become aqualified person. For the sake of it,program of Entrepreneurship training: promotion and market in digital era washeld at GKS Pambotandjara, Wairinding, a branch of GKS Umamapu, on Friday-Sunday, May 12-14, 2017. The training wasattended by students from several campuses, such as STT Terpadu, Unkriswina, AKN and local church youth discussing a topic on how to open business in digital era and invited participants to bring up their creative ideas of business and practice their plan in next 5 years.



Participants arranged their follow-up planning before present the ideas on Saturday, May 27, 2017 at Stube-HEMAT Sumba secretariat. It was attended by 14 participants and 3 members of Stube-HEMAT Sumba team, Apriyanto Hangga, Jufri Adi Papa and Yulius Anawaru, who hosted the presentation.


The participants presented their next five years plan. First, Naser Hailu Poti, a student in Wirawacana Christian University, who has been working on ducks farming business in Lambanapu. He and his friends keep the ducks and sell the eggs. Second, Ekivianus Bulu, a student in STT Terpadu,whose plan is opening Sumbanese food stall, such as corn rice, nuts rice, and local side-dishes in the next 5 years. Also, the stall will be decorated with typical art of Sumba. Third, Putra Jayadi, a student of State Community Academy (AKN) Waingapu, who has started a business as carpenter. In next five years he and his father focus on wood business and furnitures for buildings. There were other various ideas came up.
Apriyanto Hangga, one of the Stube-HEMAT Sumba team really appreciated ideas and plans of each participant. He gave input to Naser in developing laying ducks that it needs to set production target, open selling place and broaden the promotion. Yulius Anawaru gave Ekivianus inputs to find a strategic place, so that the food stalls can be reached by tourists and the food menus should be variousso the consumers have many choices, and make them satisfied.
Yohan Mbani, one of training participants responded the training held by Stube-HEMAT Sumba as a topic that open his insight about entrepreneurship, because there were many opportunities to open a business in this era. “I have found several things from thislearning to be developed since now or in thenext five years, such as opening a livestock business as daily life income source,” he said.
So to young people, recognize your talent and develop it as abusiness started from what you have until you are able to earnmoney. Don’t give up, keep on learning to be independentalthough from the simple one. (Naomy Mora Kalak).

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Pursuing Education Quality in Sumba

Saturday, 13 May 2017
by adminstube
School is aeducational unit where the process of teaching and learning and teaching occur. Indeed,  a school becomes onebridge for anyone to acquire science, knowledge and life experiences. Many things can be learned at school, not just science revealed by scientists, but also knowledge that continues to evolve time by time.
Institution of educational units with their specific working systems expect everyone has equal rights and freedom in learning. Humanizing human is one of the main goals that make people free are no longer shackled by ignorance. It is often that poverty is caused by ignorance and lack of knowledge.
East Sumba, one of the districts in East Nusa Tenggara province has so complex educational that is much different with education in Java with its easy and affordable accessthat increase students’ learning spirit. However, the spirit of students in East Sumba is good. Unluckily not all students are able to access information easily as they are in such away distance to get updated information.
SMP N 1 Waingapu (state junior high school) was chosen as a pioneer of education that is designed as a reference school in 2016. The label made the teachers did their best to reach 8 standards as junior secondary education unit. Actually, it was not easy to achieve these 8 educational standards, but they can fulfill them step by step.
Exemplary and discipline
Students learn from what they see, hear and do. These are called exemplary. If the teacher is indisciplined, then never expect that the students will be discipline, because they follow whom they should emulate. The low awareness to be an example of discipline is a scourge in character development. There is vast gap of learning motivation between students in Sumba and Java. Formerly the writer has experience in teaching practice at a school in Yogyakarta with its high discipline standard, but now when she teaches at one school in Sumba, shefelt a striking difference.
Comfortable for learning
When students are taken right to school gate by their parents,they enter the school area but after that they think that it is enough to learn outside only from the fence. Children's learning motivation is not at school area, but outside. This is the biggest homework for SMP N 1 Waingapu as referral school to provide comfortable learning atmosphere for students.
The education development in Indonesia is collective responsibility, covering government, regulator, managers of educational institutions, students and society. All stakeholders should reform themselves and rebuild education in Indonesia. Keep going ahead all education stake holders for a better one both in Sumba and Indonesia. (Septi Dadi).


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Still Reluctant to Write till Now? Journalistic Training Program (Lewa class)

Friday, 12 May 2017
by adminstube
Writing is an activity that everyone can do. Through writing someone can express ideas and share  experiences. Ironically, not many young people are interested to learn more about writing because of various factors, such as laziness, narrowminded and bustle. Actually, writing is easy to do when it comes from inner strength, and it will develop both knowledge and skill to compose words. So, it is very important for young people to do writing activities because they will learn moreabout writing techniques and how to collect data.
Stube-HEMAT Sumba as institution mentoring students in Sumba, realized the importance of writing skills among students. So, it initiated writing workshop for students in STT GKS Lewa. The workshop is facilitated by Trustha Rembaka, coordinator of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, accompanied by Apriyanto Hangga, A.Md, one of Stube-HEMAT Sumba team members.


The writing class was held several times, first, on Monday, May 8, 2017. It was attended by 12 participants and it discussed the importance of writing, sharpened creativity, andlearned writing tips. Second, on Tuesday, May 9, 2017, 11 participants discussed topics on how to write, type of writing and writing framework. Several types of writing included poetry as a media to express the writer’s feelings, especially onsocial issues. Reportage is another type of writing, used to report events. A story or feature tells a story or a character that affects society positively. Interviewis a good instrument to collect data for writingbecause there is a dialogue with key person to find information. Opinion is a short of writing to examine a problem in which the author provides opinion to open public understanding. Third,the class was held on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 when participants practice tointerviews IG Made Raspita, the inspirator of agriculture and animal husbandry at Sumba Sejahtera Foundation (YSS) in Lewa.
Trustha, as the facilitator explained the material well, he is also flexible and close to the participants. He always opened dialogue so this activity was really beneficial for the students. Although the lectures in campus were full, the participants were excited and willing to allocate their time to participate in writing class because of strong will to hone their writing skills.


Through this activity, the participants do not only know about the importance of writing and methods in writing, but also practice the knowledge by writing poetry, reportage, story and interview. (Yendri Kati Amah).


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Let’s Write! It changes life Socialization of Stube HEMAT Sumba and writing class At GKS Praihowar, May 6 and 10, 2017

Thursday, 11 May 2017
by adminstube
'Long live education' is a term used in the world of educationmeans that learning happens throughout life, not limited by space and time. Education is a need of every human being, to have a good character and broad-minded. Similarly in Sumba, according to BPS data in 2013, there are 11% of 240,000 population from 10 years old and above are illiterate in East Sumba. It requires attention and action to improve the quality of human resources, especially in East Sumba.
Stube-HEMAT Sumba as an institution mentoring students and church youth,takes part in the effort to strengthen human resources in Sumba through various training programs. One of the program is Journalism. Journalism is a knowledge tolearn activities covering, managing and conveying information about events or data and then to present the findings through printed media, electronic or internet. The activity focusing on writing, encourages students and church youth to produce writing and reduces illiteracy among youth nowadays.



Socialization Program and journalism of Stube-HEMAT Sumba for church youth was held at GKS Praihowar, branch of GKS Payeti on Saturday, May 6, 2017. It was attended by local church youth, Yulius Anawaru, team member of Stube-HEMAT Sumba and Trustha Rembaka, S.Th coordinator of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta. The presence of Trustha Rembaka as a facilitator gave new spirit for the youth. The participants were invited to introduce themselves,to play game ‘komunikata’ and to tell 1-minute story. Although they were different in education, from junior high, high school, college and even worked, they confidently told their most memorable experiences. Trustha motivated them to defeat laziness and ignorance through writing regularly,expressing what they feel into text.
The second meeting was held on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 in the same place. Participants were asked to writewhat they have experienced and what they want to be a on a single sheet of paper. It is rightthat writing is not as easy as what they thought.  It is what they experienced. Even though they faced limitation of chance on and time they completed their own handwritten works. "At the moment when my mood is happy or sad I often express it into writing, because through writing, I can release what I feel and think" said Rezeky, one of the youth. "The ability to write can be reached if there are three things: willingness, knowledge and skills. Potencies and spirit of the youth here have emerged through their writings, they just need additional knowledge and mentoring to develop their full potency", said Trustha.


Of course, everyone can write either experiences or dreamseven many other things. So, now free yourselfstart to write and change your life to be better. (Septi Dadi).

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Smart finding opportunity Ready taking risk group presentation of social analysis

Thursday, 11 May 2017
by adminstube
An understanding toward social condition in society is very important for everyone, especially youth and student because there are still imbalance and social problems. Based on this, Stube-HEMAT Sumba organized a training program on Social Analysis about youth of Sumbanese and employment opportunity at GKS Okanggapi on February 24-25, 2017.
After the training, participant were divided into severalgroups to do small research on employment problems in form of observation of employment problems in Sumba. The observation result were written for discussion material in follow-up meeting on Saturday March 25, 2017 at Stube-HEMAT Sumba secretariat. The discussion is facilitated by Apriyanto Hangga, one of Stube-HEMAT Sumba team members.
Student Group in Waingapu,
This group consisted of students of Wirawacana Christian University who observed pigs farm business in Waingapu. Pigs farming hasa potential business chance. Why? Because the Sumbanese customs need animals, one of them is pig. Pig is used as ameans of traditional ‘belis’ and funeral ceremony, so the demand for pigs will continue. Sometimes in order to fulfill the increasing demand of pigs in Sumba, a group of people supply pigs from Bima, West Nusa Tenggara.
The students focused on observing local pig farms in Waingapu. Aninterview with a local pig farmer indicated that local pigs take a long period of time (between 8-12 months) with slow growth and theyneed more nutritional feed than duroc pigs. However, local pigs are preferred by the people because theyare not only valued by their bodysize but also by the length of theirfangs. The local pig fangs grow faster than duroc pigs.
Students group in Lewa
This group consists of STT GKS Lewa students who observed Lewa's economy condition, especially Lewa market. The market infrastructure has been complemented by local government but some residents of Lewa and its surroundings thought that the utilization of the market was not optimum yet and the location was less strategic, that’s why  somemerchants sell their stuffs on roadside which interferestrafic lines.
The students were interested to find out the causes of merchants to sell on the roadside. They tried to analyze problem by interviewing some of them. One of them said that selling on roadside was common and happen every day to get money for his daily needs. In addition, selling on the roadside brought more advantages, the stuffs were sold morequickly because customers preferred buying on the roadside tobuying inside of the market.
Apriyanto appreciated the groups for their efforts to find and analyze problems that exist around them. He emphasized that ifsocial problems occur, every youth and student cannot stay silent, but participateto solve poblems. Next, youth should be smartto find opportunity to open business and also be ready to take risks, so no one will beslumped, neither him/herself nor the community. (Jufri Adipapa).

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Is Working as Migrant Worker   the Only Choice?

Wednesday, 10 May 2017
by adminstube
A welfare and prosperous life is everyone's dream. He or she will try hard and and use many ways to have prosperous life. One’s ability to get welfareness is influenced by his/her way of thinking, knowledge, skills and inner spirit.
Some success stories of Indonesian Migrant Workers (TKI) abroad provoke some Sumba youth to have such desire to do the same way as a migrant worker to improve the families’s economy. But the desire to work overseas has not matched withsufficient knowledge and skills that enable them to have global competition.
Some factors that provoke people to be migrant workerscovering some points, such as, family economy condition that cannot afford the daily needs, family internal problems that push them to go abroad and become migrant worker as their escape, mindset that they will get more money outside Sumba,and low education level due to school drop out.
According to National Statistical Centre of NTT province in 2015, there are 88,446 unemployed people. Then it may be the reason why young people take shortcuts to look for job outside Indonesia. The question is whether being a worker abroad, usually as housemaid or labourer is the only option.
Smart to find local potencies
Actually, observing the nature of East Nusa Tenggaracarefully, each region has its own uniqueness and charms. Sumba, one small island in NTT is so rich in resources such as agriculture, livestock, plantation, weaving handicraft, local foods, beaches, forest, hills, waterfalls and so on. All these can be managed by youth of Sumba. Agriculture becomes strategic because food is the basic human needs such as rice, yams, vegetables and other foodstuffs.
In addition, livestock, especially buffalo and pigs become important because they are required in custom. It opens wideopportunity for livestock breedersFurther, Sumba traditional woven cloth showing Sumbanese women with fine talent for weaving that is highly appreciated according to the motives as depicting level of difficulty. Also the beaches with their variety of uniqueness of the waves, cliffs and colors of the sea water and sand, complemented with local-dish of corn rice, roast pork and manggulu snack.
Concern from government and church
Local government and church should give concern to this issue. The local government in Sumba should take initiative to do village-based community empowerment, open alternative jobs, facilitate agriculture-based entrepreneurship and promote creative products of community.
Church can provide a forum to empower congregation withsupport and assistance through trainings   which cooperate with other synods or institutions, such as sewing or weaving Sumba cloth that begins  rare due to low interest of young Sumbanese to do it. In addition, church credit union funds can provide loans as capital to open businesses to improve family economy.


So, is working as migrant worker still the only choice? (Feberiana Leba Taga).

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It’s Time to Exist through Writing Journalistic Training Program (Waingapu class)

Monday, 8 May 2017
by adminstube
Journalism is knowledge of reporting, managing and conveying information about events and data presented through printed media, electronic or internet. Writing activities become apart of journalism itself.
Young people and students need to develop their journalistic skills, especially writing because it will broaden their knowledge. Stube-HEMAT Sumba took the initiative to organize journalistic training for students on Friday-Saturday, 5-6 May 2017 at Stube-HEMAT Sumba Secretariat on Soeharto Street, Gang Kampung Barat No.23 Waingapu, East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara. The theme chosen was'It’s time to exist through writing'
This activity has a purpose that the participants learn the writing techniques and how to collect the data for writing.Participants are motivated to write their ideas, opinions, or criticism in a specific context and actually during the process they make improvement in their writing skills.


There were thirteen students attending this training. They came from 2 campuses in East Sumba covering Christian University of Wira Wacana and TERPADU theology seminary. Yulius Rihi Anawaru, one of Stube-HEMAT Sumba team thanked to each participant who attended and stated that this activity was helpfulwhen they were doing academic tasks, such as, issuing ideas in mass media and conveying information to others.
Trustha Rembaka, thecoordinator of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta became the facilitator of this training. He described techniques and steps how to make a good writing so it will be easily read and understood by readers. Trustha invited participants to do interesting things, such as: introducing themselves to each participant as well as telling their village of origin, watching a documentary video ofStube-HEMAT Sumba activity, Games as a burning spirit of learning, reading articles posted in Stube-HEMAT Sumba blog,and encouraging participants to write immediately.


Jumlitan S. Windi, one of the participants studying at Unkriswina said, "The change happened in my life during thistwo-days-writing class is that I got more insight about thewriting steps and more confident to write as what the facilitator said".


It is time for young people to show the presence, contribution and ideas through writing. Yes, it's time to exist through writing. (Ebhan Tanga Tuang).



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Program Entrepreneurship   Promotion & Market in A Digital Era

Sunday, 7 May 2017
by admin






The definition of entrepreneurship has been expanded in 2000s, as how and why some individuals or team identify opportunities, evaluate them as viable and then decide to exploit them to create profit, and creativity and innovation is the most important source of economy.




Sumba has many sleeping potency from tradition, culture heritage, art, craft, or the beauty of the nature, etc. They should be identified and promoted in creative way to bring wealth for Sumba people since the progress of a country economy depends on its generation creativity and innovation. Further in digital era, those who faster and better way to interact with customer, will get more opportunity and benefit of it as customers need useful information about what they want to trade.






1) Participants have spirit of entrepreneurship after learning what creative business is.


2) Participants are not lagging behind with the information of trend in trade, market, and promotion in digital era.


3) Participants learn the competition and the strength in entrepreneurship.






1)Participants practice ideas in one of business creative scope such as, architect, art, craft, design, fashion, film, music, art performance, software, game, education service, TV/radio, publishing, research and development, and toys.


2) Participants present their idea using technology as a promotion simulation.


3) Participants make a unique promotion to catch consumer interest.



Participants: 30

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Stube-HEMAT Sumba Journalitics Program

Monday, 1 May 2017
by adminstube
Writing is an art to communicate idea. Through writing and publication, people can communicate and meet other people with the same interest and thought. Writing ability is very important for the students when they are doing academic activities from campus, launching their ideas in mass media, delivering information to other people, etc.
Writing will also stimulate the writer to extend a line of thought beyond first impressions or gut responses, writing helps the writer to understand how truth is established, and it also equips the writer with communication and thinking skills needed to participate in democracy. However, most people never consider the complexity and difficulty of the writing process as in fact writing requires more basic skills as it must be written legibly, logically, in organized way, and involving grammar and syntax.
1) Participants learn writing techniques and how to collect data for writings.
2) Participants are motivated to write their ideas, opinion, criticism in a certain context..
3) Participants do improve their writing skills.
1) Participants write each sort of writings such as report, opinion, feature, or poem.
2) Participants send their writings to mass media, upload it in a blog, make a journal, etc.
3) Participants get appreciation for what they wrote from their campus, community, or published in mass media.


Participants>> 10 x 2 = 20
1. Trustha Rembaka (Koordinator Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta)
2. Redaktur Waingapu.com
Jumat 5 Mei 2017 di Waingapu
Senin, 8 Mei 2017 di Lewa

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Village & Me   (Desa & Aku)

Monday, 10 April 2017
by adminstube
Many villages are neglected by their well educated dwellers to get a job to other places that is assumed more prospective for their future. So, the rest in villages is old people and kids. Villages are abandoned by their adult, potential villagers for a logic reason. Sense of belonging to develop village and to think about it must be implanted among young generation. They should think about their abandoned villages.
This ‘ViMi’ program is a program giving chance for students learning in Waingapu , the capital town of East Sumba province, to do something for their villages through out Sumba during their leisure time or holiday. Students may do anything positively based on a proposed program submitted and presented to Stube HEMAT Sumba.
1) Participants have sense of belonging towards their abandoned village
2) Participants bring positive activity and share their ability and knowledge they got during their study in city town campus for villagers who remain to stay in the village
3) Participants may empower villagers to do something useful for their life.
1) Participants write a plan in a proposal to do something in a village, then submit it to Stube HEMAT Sumba for further discussion and decision.
2) Participants propose one of positive activities such as, education service, agricultural development, make use disposal things, village library, etc.
3) Participants program is accepted by villagers and they are willing to do it for useful reason.


Participants: 6

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    What’s next? Do Real Works!   Four stories from Exposure to Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta participants  

Wednesday, 1 March 2017
by adminstube
Real works become one indicator that someone has applied his/her knowledge.Knowledge is not just rooted in the head, but should be fruitful for those around him/her. In the period of seven years, starting from 2010 until 2016, Stube HEMAT Sumba has sent 6 students/youth each year to participate in the program of Exposure to Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta for one month. Here are four names of participants who have participated in the program. As time goes, some of them were already working in their places.
Daniel Wolu Praing was asked to become a teacher at one of the Junior High Schools (SMP) since 2011 to teach local content, about skills. The experience and knowledge he got when following Exposure Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta in in 2010 is beneficial for his students. He also developed it into a profit business such as making bamboo furniture, kitchen utensils, and party decorations. In addition to teaching at school, Daniel also trains young people who are still unemployed to work and can earn money from their skill by making products from bamboo. His hope is that children know various usages of bamboo except firewood, hedges or plaited bamboo wall.
Oktavianus Umbu Hunga, is commonly called Okta. He returned from Yogya in 2011 andinitiated the establishment of an early age education group called Nazaret’ on Jl. Simpang Kemiri, Lewa, in 2012. It is running well until now. At first there were 20 kidswho came in and out. On the year 2016, there were recorded 41 kids of 3-6 years average agewho joined this play groupMany obstacles and challenges existed, such as prejudice of children abuse to obtain funds and no good response from local authorities. Those above did not discourage him. To finance the project, he worked in building and canal construction project. The money he earned was used for the school’s operational costs. Next, he cooperated with his friends to teach the group. Most of them are only high school graduates, so they do not have enough knowledge about kid’s character. Okta admitted that he still needs facilitator for the school, because there is only one teacher left, who is still a 6th semester student. For those who have ever studied in Yogya, Okta hopes that they developed their knowledge and share it among people in village.
Marselina is a vicar of a church in West Sumba. She said that her experience followingthe Exposure program to Stube HEMAT Yogyakarta in 2012 gave lots of meaning in her life. In Yogyakarta she learned to process food with local ingredients such as cassava and sticky rice into various foods. When returning to Sumba, she practiced what she had learned and shared the knowledge and skills with her friends in campus. From her productive skills, she bought her first mobile phone. As a vicar, her skills to process local food is also used to add the skills of church members, especially women.
Ningsih is a member of the women's farmer group in Wangga village called Rinjung Pahamu. Although she lives 5 kms away from Wangga and must walk on foot to reach the group, her spirit is not receded to join andto learn farming in the group. The opportunity to learn agriculture in Yogyakarta in 2014 became a good opportunity for her. Her experience was practiced in Rinjung Pahamu farmer group, and the results were seen during the onion harvest. From 50 kg of onion seeds, the group canharvest 150 kgs of onion. Currently Ningsih has an opportunity to continue her study to take a diploma at Waingapu State Community Academy (AKN).
Actually, there are many other stories of young people workingfor the surrounding and want to work and be useful as well. The four young people above become simple examples how startworking with inner strength and good motivation. Keep giving good impact as time goes on. (ITM).

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Social Analysis Training Youth and Employment Opportunities Londalima, February 24-25, 2017

Monday, 27 February 2017
by adminstube
In order to increase the sensitivity of students and church youth to see the social problems around them, Stube-HEMAT Sumba held Social Analysis training. Although the participants did not perform all social analysis, participants were trained to conduct a special analysis related with youth problems and employment opportunities in Sumba. Attended by 29 participants, the training went well and the participants actively participated in every session. Activities in this training were divided into in-class activities (training) and out-class activities. Out-class activities gave participants time to do research on employment issues.
In this training, Drs Umbu Hapu Mbeju, M.Si, the head of Manpower and transmigration office of East Sumba Regency was present as a speaker who brought material about labor problems. Indeed, what happens in East Sumba is the availability of formal employment is not comparable with the increase of labor, therefore it is expected that Sumbanese youth should not rely on formal employment, but should self-equip to engage in non-formal work which has wider opportunity. The nature in Sumba is very promising, and the opportunity is very open if young people are sensitive and have critical thinking, willing to work hard and ready to start with no hesitation. Undergraduatejob seekers rely more on formal field so the unemployment in East Sumba is dominated by young people who hold bachelor degrees. They assumed that working in agriculture or livestockhas low prestige although that is very promising today, even tourism or other non-formal work areas. In addition, because of the limited employment opportunities there are many labor migration out of the island and even abroad to be migrant workers.
"I really appreciate what Stube-HEMAT Sumba has done with various activities in order to prepare good human resources for the young generation of Sumba. In fact, I am ready to collaborate with Stube-HEMAT Sumba to solve the problem of unemployment in Sumba and prepare things that support the availability of new non-formal employment", he addedduring the material presentation.
Another speaker was Oktavianus Landi, ST, a member of the KPUD (Regional General ElectionCommissioner) who talked about how participants get to know and understand the workings and tools to analyze the currentlysocial problem. Social Analysis is an effort to get a picture of a social problem and its cause root while social problem is an undesirable condition and it is not in accordance with the expectation of society and social values and standards that cause suffering and loss. Based on thisunderstanding, social analysis presents as an instrument to photograph, to dig and to comprehend the social reality as a whole and complete.


After the training, participants were asked to watch and toobserve employment issues in Sumba and it should be written asdiscussion source at follow-up meeting. Have a good process!(SHS).




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Welcome 2017  

Sunday, 1 January 2017
by adminstube

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