Monday, 25 April 2016
by adminstube
Young, Distinct and Creative


Training on Multiculturalism, and


Inter-religious Dialogue


Panti Semedi, Klaten, Central Java,


April 22 – 24, 2016







A training on Multiculturalism, and Inter-religious Dialogue held by Stube-HEMAT with a theme "Young, Distinct and Creative" is trying to convey a message and reminding Indonesian young people and students about diversity and the challenges that must be faced as the consequence. This training was warmly welcomed by 25 participants from various campuses, departments and regions. All participants were very enthusiastic to join the series of activities during three days.







Starting the program by visiting Pondok Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) Mlangi one week before the training, the participants that mostly Christian students, have a touch and preparation of perspectives on diversity. They were also reminded about the culture of each region with the variety of charming traditional costumes from several regions in Indonesia, such as Java, Kalimantan, Batak, Sumba and Flores used by some participants. A repercussion of folk songs in the first day of training really brings atmosphere of Indonesia that is rich in ethnics, cultures and languages.





The training encouraged participants to establish networking with various groups with different backgrounds, trained them to find solutions of disharmony between ethnic groups and religions, empowered them to be able to disseminate understanding, not just tolerance but cooperation for humanity, also motivated them to develop themselves to make joint dialogue among religions in society and actively deal with the conflicts that arise.




The sessions of this training include Multiculture Introduction, Dialogue with Forum for Religious Unity in Klaten, Mapping Potency of Conflicts in Indonesia, Group Discussion for each region and Designing Follow-up activities as a form of acquiring new knowledge. Speakers involved in this training, besides the internal team of Stube-HEMAT are Gus Jazuli ofIslamic boarding school of Saleh Akrom Nusantara (PeSAN), a religious leaders of various religions and beliefs Forum in Klaten, Pdt. Izak M.Y Lattu. Ph.D., a lecturer of Satya Wacana Christian University and Pdt. Krisapndaru, S.Th, a priest of Javanese Christian Church of Pedan.




“The presence of religious leaders and faith from FKUB Kebersamaan Klaten was very impress and inspire me to arrange such a meeting for interfaith leaders in my home, because I think it gives harmony atmosphere among pluralistic society," said Carly, an APMD student from Manggarai, NTT. Solidarity of various religions and beliefs Forum in Klaten was strongly felt by the participants because the presence of the various religious leaders in this training session.




"The power of local wisdom which is already exist in every ethnic in Indonesia is needed to be learned and bequeath from generation to generation, so they do not lose the noble values of their ancestors. They may also consider that differences is not a threat that must be eliminated. Riots between ethnic and religion should not happen anymore like in Ambon if the people really understand the value of Pela Gandong as well as knowing how the pillars of a mosque became church’s pillar. The wisdom is needed to be told continually," said Rev. Izzak Y.M. Lattu, Ph.D in his session.







At the end of the session, participants were asked to formulate activity as a form of new understanding they get during training. The dissemination of multicultural understanding through discussion, writing and real work in community become alternative activities for them to do.




On the way home from Klaten to Yogyakarta, participants were given an opportunity to visit Plaosan, a temple built in 9th century A.D. The temple is a fusion of Hindu and Buddha created by a mixed marriage between Rakai Pikatan who built Prambanan which has Hindu background and Princess Pramodhawardani of the Sailendra’s dynasty which has Buddhism background. In this temple participants learned that the acceptance of diversity has been going on since the past time.





Young, Distinct and Creative, inspire the participants as young people to be aware on diversity and should have distinctive in quality and do good deed for the nation. (ARN).






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Saturday, 23 April 2016
by adminstube
A program of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta for students to perform an activity in their origin. Students are encouraged to think about and explore their local area after several years of study in Yogyakarta.
  • Mapping potencies and challenges in their origin.
  • Sharing the knowledge and the experience learned during study in Yogyakarta
  • open networks and work orientation in their origin.


  • active participant of Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta
  • Propose application and presentation
  • Attend debriefing meeting
  • Statement of Commitment


  • Available for 3 participants in 2016
  • The implementation period from March to November


Further information please contact:
Trustha Rembaka, S.Th (081392772211)
Or visit
Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta
Jln. Tamansiswa, Nyutran MG II / 1565 C,



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Monday, 18 April 2016
by adminstube
Visiting Pondok Pesantren


at Mlangi







Pondok Pesantren or Moslem boarding school is known as a means of education and learning Islam. Indeed, pondok pesantren is an education place to build faith, character and ethic as Moslem for children till adult. However, historically, pondok pesantren does not educate religion only, but also nationalism. This was proved by the struggle of people in pondok pesantren fighting against Dutch colonialists who demean Indonesian people.








On Saturday, April 16, 2016, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta visited Pondok Pesantren ‘Assallafiyyah’ at Mlangi, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Thirty one participants joined a dialogue with Gus Irwan Masduqi, the pioneer and educator of Pondok Pesantren Assalafiyah. He finished his study at Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt, and then returned to Indonesia providing education.




This visit was the agenda of a training on Multicultural, and Inter-religious Dialogue. The participants were encouraged to show their identity amid diversity and be flexible in their interaction with other communities. However, interaction and dialogue is undeniable fact in this country in order to develop unity in diversity. We need to interact and dialogue with others. So, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta arranged a meeting with religious and cultural communities in the province.




"Here, at Assalafiyah, pondok pesantren also gives regular school," said Gus Irwan in the beginning of the dialogue. Gus Irwan explained that the santris (students dwelling in Pondok Pesantren) here mostly study in nearby campuses like UTY, UIN, Gadjah Mada University and Indonesian Islamic University (UII). The santris have similarity with regular students. The difference is they should stay at pondok pesantren so they have more time to pray every day. While regular students is praying at their boarding house.




The santri also have activities together with other students but just in certain time because of their rapid schedule. They go to a discussions with Young Catholics or with other communities or sometimes they are sent  as representatives in a discussion meeting.







Gus Irwan expressed his opinion about the different perspectives to interpret a text. Each interpretation is influenced by the interpreter’s perspective. When interpret a verse in scripture, people sometimes get different result of the interpretation. Each interpretation is influenced by the culture where he/she lives. Gus Irwan himself admitted that he is open to differences. Religion is derived from God, it has good side. There is no religion from God which teaches violence," Gus Irwan said.




Then why there is violence? He admitted that there are certain denomination teachings which legalized violence for specific reasons. "battle in religious difference occurs to fight for religious freedom not to force people to believe certain religion" , he added.




Gus Irwan shared his experience when visiting a church at Sinai, Egypt. Tolerance had been there since the Prophet era. Even there is a church that still keeps the letter of prophet Muhammad saying that the church should not be demolished. What a wonderful tolerance in that era.




Many questions from the participants of Stube-HEMAT were clearly answered by Gus Irwan.





A meeting with Gus Irwan and his students was a new experience for Stube participants. Most of them said that it is the first time for them to visit pondok pesantren.  "It turns out that students of pondok pesantren are friendly and good", said Apong, one of the participants.




Let's continue to build network and work together in our wonderful diversity. (YDA).








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Saturday, 9 April 2016
by adminstube
Everyone Can Write



World of writing is not merely  world of ‘workman’, who does something repeatedly. It is  a world of ideas instead. The idea would be formed paralleled with empiric mindset, conceptual dimension, reducing phenomenon and sharpen analysis.




The point above was said by Rudyolof Immanuel Malo, a Sociology student of Atmajaya University, Yogyakarta when he opened a book review in Stube HEMAT. He reviewed a book  of ‘Tips for Writing in the Mass Media, written by Rendy Panuju’. Though the book is classified as an old publication book, with his experience as chief editor of the NTT's students community magazine, the book is still interesting and important for the beginners.




Rendi Panuju’s book published by UGM press in 1994 became the topic of the discussion among Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta students. Held on Friday, April 8, 2016 at Stube HEMAT secretariat, the discussion ran well. Rudy chose it because its content and benefit he got from the book and it can be found through his experience of writing in mass media. His experiences made the discussion more interesting. Participants were encouraged to know more about writing.




Rudy also revealed many tips, so a writing can be published in mass media. The point is, right writing to the right media. Technically, we must consider the title carefully. Rudy also explained that the article should have facts or data, not just opinion. For student, he/she should mention his/her campus, or describes himself/herself as a student of a university.




Discussions was getting interesting in question and answer session because some participants wanted to know more. Agus, a student of STPMD APMD asked about laws which protect writings from plagiarism? While Nuel asked about how to bear motivation to write. Then, Trustha was eager to know Rudy’s failure experiences  how many articles he wrote and sent to the media, until finally succeeded.



Rudy explained that the laws of copyright protection has already issued by Indonesia government and it can be searched through internet or bookstore. Writing motivation will automatically emerge when writing activity is as pleasure or hobby. Rudy also suggested that those who love writing join a writing club in order to improve their skills.




Every effort sometimes fails, but if we are persistent, we will get it. If we are consistent, we will keep it. Never count how many articles we have written, but focus on the goal and Rudy’s article was finally published.


This book review gave new knowledge in writing, insight into world of writing and equiped students for the future as the writing skills empower student to write thesis. Be sure that everyone can write and please remember that if you want to know the world, you should read a lot and if you want to be well known by the world, you should write. Good luck! (ITM).

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