Cyber Literacy: Aiming Opportunities and Coping Challenges

Saturday, 15 August 2020
by adminstube

By Irene Zalukhu


Information technology develops along with the times, however not all people can adjust to technological advances. Cyber world is the sophistication of electronic media in technology networks that simplify anything and bring a big influence in life. Driven by technological advances, especially the internet, there is a wider public space (read: social media). However, even though technology has become more advanced, there are people who 'stutter' with technology and even do not know how to take advantage of technological advances.


Based on such situation, Stube-HEMAT Yogyakarta, which concerns with the development of human resources, especially students, opens a learning space to be technology 'literate' through One Day Workshop: Cyber Awareness with a theme 'Cyber Literacy': opportunities and challenges, on Friday, August 14, 2020 at Javanese Christian Church (GKJ) of Mergangsan, Yogyakarta in collaboration with Multimedia team of the church. Ten students from various campuses attended the training which invited practitioners who were competent in their fields. In the opening, Pdt. Em. Bambang Sumbodo, M.Min, the board in charge of Stube HEMAT revealed from Colossians 1:16 "because in Him everything was created, that is in heaven and that is on earth, visible and invisible, both thrones and kingdoms, both government, as well as the authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him”.  Likewise, any advanced technology should be dedicated to glorify God's name in life. Furthermore, Ariani Narwastujati, the executive director, introduce Stube HEMAT through a short video "Stube HEMAT towards the age of 27 years of service in Indonesia" along with 75th anniversary of Indonesia's independence. The video showed the dynamics of the development of Stube HEMAT which is currently spread over 8 places throughout Indonesia which are operated by alumni who as members of the Stube HEMAT multiplicators.


Related with the materials, Daniel Duta Nugraha and Multimedia team of GKJ Mergangsan revealed how the condition of the church and congregation at the beginning of the pandemic in which the church services was diverted to their homes to anticipate the spread of Corona virus. Like or dislike, the church must optimize technology to serve church services by online. Of course, they faced difficulties and technological limitations, however having willingness and dedication to give energy, thoughts, time and funds, they have managed to overcome and find creativity in designing worship videos, live streaming and other devotional videos. The pandemic also hit the congregation's economy, so the church took initiative by promoting the business owned by the church members by creating an online 'market place' through WhatsApp group that sells food and other products under a name ‘Gandeng Gendong’ which is managed by Drs. Bambang P. Hediono, MBA, member of church council and supported by the Mass Communication Commission (KOKOMAS).

The next speaker was Yohanes Andri Wardhana, an information technology practitioner, delivering the topic of Optimizing Cyber for Personal Development: Expanding networks, promoting products and services and adding alternatives income. He facilitated participants to map the cyber world and see the opportunities and challenges that will occur in the future. He also discussed important things from the cyber world, from the introduction, technological advances and what the current young generation must do to prepare themselves for job opportunities in the cyber world.

This activity opened up participants’ insight about technological progress and its demands, as expressed by one of the participants, David, "From this workshop I got new provision on how to see future needs, so that I know what skills to add to be competitive. In addition, I hoped that there will be other practical activities done by Stube".

The key to be 'literacy' in cyber world is in our hands, it depends on our reaction, moving for progress or staying still then we will be overtaken by the rapid of technology development. Students, let us develop and equip ourselves with technology-based skills, as well as respond to social problems of technological mastery gaps among people in our society through transfering knowledge of technology to others. ***

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